Friday, September 01, 2006


People these days have no fucking manners!! Its just digusting. I'm not Miss Manners or Emily Post or anything, but seriously, WTF?!?!?! On the subway, there is always someone that hogs the entire goddamn fucking pole when there are like 3000 people trying to cram inside and we're all left to try and wedge our hands on a spot and still not touch your fat ass or disgusting soft, mushy, cellulite-y tits. Its so fucking annoying, I'm sorry, did you just buy all the rights to this pole?? And how fucking oblivious are you that you don't see your entire fucking body blocking 45 people trying to hang on?!?! And for that matter, if the train is packed, its FUCKING FULL!! Stop trying to cram your fat fucking ass on the train by yelling at people to move in. Because seriously the next time you do, I'm gonna fucking shiv you and push you out as the doors close. I've fucking had it! I'm a small person and I always get stuck with some fat black dude shoving his cock against my hip and his undeodorized armpit in my fucking face.

Or how about the people who have no table manners. They chew with their mouths open, and/or they talk with food in there, both of which force food to fly out directly ONTO MY FACE AND FOOD!! WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK?!?! How do you get to be an adult without learning some fucking rudimentary table manners. And why is your napkin filthier than your plate, its goes in the hole asshat, not on your face, its not fucking paint!! And why is there food floating in your goddamn wine glass?? Do you not know that you're supposed to swallow after chewing? I can't eat a meal like this. I'd rather see my 90 year old aunts teeth floating in a glass than your fucking half masticated veal paillard!

Or the people who sneeze/yawn/cough without covering their mouths. WHAT THE FUCK DUDE?!?!?! I don't need your fucking hepetitis or herpes or HIV. If I am going to get a disease, I want to get it the old fashioned way, unprotected sex and dirty needles. Don't try to convert me to your airborne disease infection way. UGH, just writing this is making me sick, I'm starting to gag. See what you've done!

I don't get it, these are basic manners that you are taught as a child. Who the fuck raised you, dingos?? Jesus christ!

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