Tuesday, October 03, 2006


You know I just don't get these vegetarians who eat food that tastes like meat. I've been noticing the ever growing trend of vegetarian and vegan food that proclaim to taste like chicken, bbq beef, hamburgers, sausage, bacon(!) and other sorts of delicious meats. Now I know that vegetarians and vegans are protesting the inhuman way animals are treated but if they're eating food that *tastes* like meat does that mean if farmers started coddling chickens and cows and pigs like pets, that they'd give up their annoying self righteous preaching to everyone and start eating meat??? I don't get it, if you're going to throw dead raccoons and road kill at people to protest their enjoyment of meat, isn't it kind of retarded for you to be eating something that claims to taste just like it?! I mean it just seems too easy for them, if you don't want to eat meat then don't - but then your only choice should be vegetables that taste like vegetables, not vegetables that taste like farm raised, corn fed perdue goodness. And while we're at it, get a fucking job, no one is going to stop eating meat because you happen to be on your soapbox - annoying people - when they're trying to get lunch.

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