Friday, April 27, 2007


Am I the only person who think Jessica Biel is overrated??? I mean she's pretty, ok, I'll give her that, but nothing spectacular. So she's a white girl with a big ass, she's not the only one out there. What about those giant chiclet teeth? Or the fact that every scene she does in a movie now is in her underwear? Unless you're Will Ferrell, doing all your scenes in your underwear usually leads to soft core porn and Derek Jeter isn't returning your calls anymore once you've gone down on on some pudgy, hairy guy, no matter how much you claim it's "art".

Or her hair in this picture. Almost every picture of her she has this stupid part down the middle and the hair is just flying around, uncontrolled by clip or headband or scrunchie. Or that upper lip that looks like its going to split whenever she smiles. I just don't get it. So she works out like every 5 minutes, big deal. I don't know, I just don't get the appeal, these "fresh faced" girls are a dime a dozen, what makes this one so special?


Anonymous said...

I agree with everything you said. I think she and her friends like linking news to the tabloids of every hot popular guy like Jeter, Justin, Adam Levine, Orlando Bloom, Nick Lachey, and others so it makes her look as if she's the girl guys want. It's always the same thing, if you look at past tabloid reports, it always sounds the same as if these guys are chasing her down and she is trying to decide and play hard to get. Like the latest tabloid of Justin Timerblake keeping her puppy, or Derek Jeter trying to feed her pit bull and the pitbull doesn't like Jeter. It's commonly known Derek Jeter as he has stated over and over again his dislike for big dogs. Jeter is so private and never announces his vacation trips, however In Touch magazine reported months in advance she was going to be on vacation with Jeter after New Years. How did they know? Next thing you know shes there and pictures all over the internet with them together. Next thing you know I guess Jeter figured out she was trying to get his business in the streets, like the touchy feely escapade in a Museum how he was kissing and feeling all over her. Jeter is not known for PDA. But her people was telling everyone about their trips to the casinos in Vegas and how she was sitting on his lap and they kissed the entire time. This is so unlike Jeter. Same for Justin Timberlake, the tabs knew she was going to the Sundance to visit him. Justin sure didn't place that rumor. I don't like the fact how she and her friends like to name drop and place news in the media as if she is so sexy every hot rich celebrity male on earth is chasing her down. It's lame and pathetic. It's funny how Derek Jeter was out of that relationship after all those pictures were all over the internet as if she hired her own photographers. Thanks for posting this. I thought I was the only one who thought this. She is an okay actress that anyone could play the role. People just look for her to shed some of her clothings which she will be known more for her fit body than anything. She is big boned and she will always have to watch what she eats and work out to keep it. I doubt she will be having any kids soon.

Anonymous said...

Finally! a blog where someone isn't fawning over stupid ass Jessica Biel. First of all, she looks like a tranny to me. Her shoulders are way too broad and muscular. She needs to chill with the push ups or whatever. Her ass is decent for a white girl but I don't think it's anything out of this world. Her acting sucks just like Jessica Alba - another overrated bitch.

p&k said...

THANK YOU GUYS!! There ARE normal people out here! And you make a good point Anonymous, her acting is crap but people make such a big deal out of her "relationships" that its secondary. I think the only reason she doesn't get the "slut" treatment like Lindsay Lohan (she seems to go through men at the same speed) is because she tends to date "up"!

p&k said...

hahah I have to post another comment (on my own blog no less!) because I do also agree that Alba is overrated but at least she's semi-private and I don't have to hear about her stupid "romances" every effing day!! And Biel is way too masculine too! OMG, what a bitchfest this turned into, I feel like we should drinking something pink and alcoholic while we watch a slideshow of celebrities and see who can hurl abuse the fastest!! smooches!!

Anonymous said...

I think she is overrated. She really isn't all that and not nearly as beautiful and feminine looking as Jessica Alba. Men are doing nothing but talking about her big butt because not many white girls want to be known as a girl with a butt. Men have always liked girls with big butts and boobs. She is just a flavor of the minute because she is always seen working out.

Now all the actress/singers are pictured working about because of the stick thin actresses. It's nothing but a trend. I agree with the first poster who said Jessica or her publicist like to name drop guys who Jessica is either dating or seen with just to get attention. You notice it only happens when she has a movie coming out. No doubt being linked to guys like Derek Jeter and Justin Timberlake will make big news and have more guys showing interest because she got linked with the big boys that girls go gaga over. I don't think Derek Jeter has the hot looks he use to have but he is a well known playboy that only dates women who have posed in Maxim or in some type of bikini in a mag who other guys drool over. It's an ego thing for him because he can get the hot girls every guy wants. However Jessica is NOT the hottest. She thinks she is and her people sure make a big deal making people think she's woman with the best body ever. I think she's built like a female boxer and should be measured against Ali's daughter. If you ask me her body reminds me of one of the Williams sisters who play tennis.